Fashion news

Chinese consumers have often been referred to as the future saviors of the global luxury industry. Rapid economic growth experienced in the country has meant that now a greater number of Chinese consumers have the purchasing power to buy luxury goods, which were not easily available to them before.

“There are no ladies who lunch,” says Fernando Garcia, one half of the creative duo behind Oscar de la Renta and Monse. “Everybody’s too busy to do that. They just go to Pret,” he said, referring to the takeout restaurant Pret-a-Manger. “The world evolves. Oscar always told us to evolve with it.”

In this climate, the designers’ all-embracing shtick had a sting: their catwalk was alive with diversity, sizes, shapes, ages and races.

Giorgio Armani has a side gig: moonlighting as a nightclub impresario.

Throughout this month of fashion weeks, runways are flooded with new collections every day. But beyond recycled trends, what will the future look like? Designers are developing new solutions for the clothing of tomorrow.